$97 New Patient Special: Initial Consultation w/ Complete Health History, Exam, Chiropractic Analysis, X-rays, & Doctor's findings w/ Recommendations! *Excludes Medicare, Personal Injury, & Worker's Comp*

$97 New Patient Special: Initial Consultation w/ Complete Health History, Exam, Chiropractic Analysis, X-rays, & Doctor's findings w/ Recommendations! *Excludes Medicare, Personal Injury, & Worker's Comp*


Scoliosis Care in Aurora

Idiopathic scoliosis, or simply Scoliosis, is a condition characterized by an abnormal sideways curvature of the spine.  It typically develops during adolescence and can be visibly seen by looking at different landmarks on the body.  It is best to correct scoliosis ASAP as this can lead to other systemic dysfunctions in your body as you age.  (See below.)

What does Scoliosis look like??

Scoliosis is an improper sideways curvature of the spine which causes twisting and torsioning of the spinal column and the spinal cord.  Sometimes it can easily be seen by comparing left and right landmarks on your body.  For example, shoulder height or hip height can vastly differ from left to right in someone who has scoliosis.  Or you may notice one shoulder is rounded forward and the other back.  Sometimes, nothing is visibly noticeable until a Chiropractic Analysis and Structural X-rays are completed to see the entire picture.  

Common Causes

In the medical literature, the most common cause of scoliosis is Idiopathic Scoliosis, meaning they have no idea what causes scoliosis.  

Let's reason through this quickly.  When the joints in your spine get locked up, it causes your muscles to alter their movement patterns.  So, those alterations over time would cause further alterations and further joints to become locked up.  This domino effects may lead to what we know as "idiopathic scoliosis".

Other causes of scoliosis are wedged vertebra or uneven leg length.  

Conventional treatment vs. Chiropractic Care

Conventional treatment typically includes nothing until the scoliosis is beyond it's limitations, at which point surgery is performed, Harrington Rods are installed and occupational therapy begins.

However, most people DO NOT WANT surgery.  We can tackle your scoliosis before it ever becomes an issue.  Being proactive, especially when it comes to scoliosis, can add life to your years.

Who is most at risk?

There's a reason we included a picture of a room full of dancers atop the page.  Sorry, but young female dancers are most commonly diagnosed with scoliosis and most of the time parents aren't aware that their child has scoliosis.  It's not something you look for everyday; like making sure everyone has their lunches packed and shoes tied tight.  

Hypermobility (being too flexible) might be the leading cause of scoliosis, in our opinion.  When joints are hypermobile, they move too much which can lead to subluxations and alterations in movement patterns in the spine.  Ensuring that your Aurora Chiropractor reduces the number of subluxations in your child's spine can have a huge impact on their growth and development.

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