$97 New Patient Special: Initial Consultation w/ Complete Health History, Exam, Chiropractic Analysis, X-rays, & Doctor's findings w/ Recommendations! *Excludes Medicare, Personal Injury, & Worker's Comp*

$97 New Patient Special: Initial Consultation w/ Complete Health History, Exam, Chiropractic Analysis, X-rays, & Doctor's findings w/ Recommendations! *Excludes Medicare, Personal Injury, & Worker's Comp*

What is Health?

Define Health

So, what does it actually mean to be healthy?  I mean, we all believe we are healthy if we haven’t been sick, incur very little injuries, or we are able to move about at our own free will.  But what is Health?  What does it mean to actually be Healthy?

Well, in order to be Healthy, we must first define what Health is and there are 2 important points we must hit.

Health is:

  1. A condition in which all activities of the body and mind are under normal function.

  2. A state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.

Read #2 again.  Health is NOT MERELY THE ABSENCE OF DISEASE OR INFIRMITY.  Just because you aren’t experiencing symptoms now, does not mean that your body is not fighting them tooth and nail so that you don’t have to consciously experience them!

Routine, maintenance health checks are crucial. 

What's the first sign of a Heart Attack?  -- A Heart Attack!

Heart attacks display zero symptoms prior to their nasty occurrence.  Definitely a good reason to maintain your health, am I right?

Take care of your body

There are millions of processes that your body completes everyday without you knowing; it’s how you stay alive.  You don’t think about breathing, making your heart beat, or digesting food.  Those are processes your body does automatically so you can STAY ALIVE.  

Now think about everything you do on a daily basis.  Everything you do can cause microtraumas which can increase the stress placed on your brain, nervous system, hormones, muscles, tendons, ligaments, etc.  Everything in your body is under constant stress but your body has built-in checks and balances to ensure things operate as smoothly as possible.  

Make no mistake though...

If everything always stayed “peachy-keen” then we would live forever without a single ailment for all of eternity.  But, our bodies have limitations, and when we meet those limitations, you begin to experience symptoms.  This is the point where your body is no longer able to hide the symptoms from you.  This is where the sirens are blaring, everything starts running haywire; your body begins freaking out.  Your body has been attempting to keep those symptoms at bay for years upon years but it finally lost the battle.  Your body is telling you there is a problem and you need to fix it!

Over those years, how much additional damage has been done?  You tell yourself that it hasn’t been this bad before.  You start to recollect every time this issue has bothered you over the last 20 years, realizing that it’s not going away this time.  

Every time you experienced these symptoms, it was a Check Engine Light, a warning, a sign that something is going on and you should get it checked out.  What happens if you ignore it this time?  You won’t.  You’ve decided it’s time to fix the issue so you can enjoy your life!

First off, you need to ask yourself a few questions:

  1. How can Chiropractic Care help me?

  2. How long will it take to fix this?

  3. How much is this going to cost?

These are the 3 most common questions we hear and we totally understand!  That’s why we are set up in a way so that you don’t have to waste your time trying to find something that works.  We will tell you how we can help you, provide you with a “Tailor-Made” Plan to correct your issues at the source so you too can achieve a state of Optimal Health.

Lucky for you, long-term Chiropractic Care can keep you healthier and save you money.  Read this article on how Chiropractic Care can save you money.

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