
Vertigo Overview

Vertigo is a disorienting sensation of dizziness and imbalance, often characterized by a feeling that the room is spinning or tilting. It can affect your sense of space and equilibrium (balance).  This can be debilitating as even the slightest of movements give you Top Thrill Dragster flashbacks.  Seeking out Chiropractic Care in Aurora can help to relieve the vertigo and prevent futures occurrences.  

 Symptoms may include nausea, vomiting, and difficulty focusing.  Diagnosis involves chiropractic analysis, imaging, and vestibular testing.  

Causes of Vertigo

  • Inner ear infections
  • Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) 
  • Vestibular migraines 
  • Medications
  • Spinal misalignments

Head injuries may also lead to vertigo.  The most common inner-ear disorder after a concussion is vertigo.  Head traumas can disrupt the normal functioning of the brain, including the area responsible for spatial awareness, and balance.  The alterations which a concussion causes include an altered perception of your environment and movement.

Chiropractic's role in Vertigo

Chiropractic care is gentle and safe and is considered a primary approach for some cases of vertigo, particularly when related to issues in the upper neck. Chiropractors may use specific adjustments in the upper neck as well as the Epley maneuver to address and correct the cause of vertigo.

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